Wes Zaharuk has a world-wide reputation for a tornado-like approach to comedy, surreal feats and an eccentric collection of eye-popping prop tricks. He is a one-man tour de force, known to combine routines with power tools, bananas and film noir. Perfectly Bananas received five star reviews at the Edinburgh Festival and picked up a 2013 Buxton Fringe Award for Best Comedy (Individual). Wes credits his comic roots to his parents. They made ‘not listening’ an Olympic event. As a child, his parents dressed him in wool pants that were incredibly itchy. Complain as he would, his words fell on deaf ears. When he developed a skin condition that looked like a large, all-dressed pizza, he was tested for allergies. It was found that he was allergic to wool. Through it all, Wes developed his desire to be heard — if only to reduce rash. About the use of props in his performance Wes quips “Show business sometimes lures people who didn't get enough love early in life. I feel as a child I didn't get enough unsupervised time with power tools but who has perfect parents?”

"Twin Peaks meets Cirque Du Soleil ... simply amazing" Toronto Sun
"Zaharuk is mad as a box of badgers." Graeme Bright
***** Cream of the Fringe, Edinburgh Fringe 2012

You can follow Wes on twitter at @weszaharuk